
0450 (420-480) | 4th Century Cascadia Paleo-Earthquake


Events in the same region
Date Title Region Preferred Magnitude Quality*
0190s 2nd Century Cascadia Paleo-Earthquake Cascadia 8.4 D
0450s 4th Century Cascadia Paleo-Earthquake Cascadia 8.8 D
0590s 6th Century Cascadia Paleo-Earthquake Cascadia 8.3 D
0770s 8th Century Cascadia Paleo-Earthquake Cascadia 8.9 D
1040s 10th Century Cascadia Paleo-Earthquake Cascadia 8.3 D
1220s 12th Century Cascadia Paleo-Earthquake Cascadia 8.9 D
1460s 15th Century Cascadia Paleo-Earthquake Cascadia 8.2 D
1530s 16th Century Cascadia Paleo-Earthquake Cascadia 8.7 D
1700 Jan 27th 1700 Cascadia Earthquake Cascadia 9 B
  • Rong et al. (2014) -Rong, Y., Jackson, D. D., Magistrale, H., & Goldfinger, C. (2014). Magnitude limits of subduction zone earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104(5), 2359-2377. - Link
  • Goldfinger et al. (2012) -Goldfinger, C., Nelson, C.H., Morey, A.E., Johnson, J.E., Patton, J.R., Karabanov, E., Gutiérrez-Pastor, J., Eriksson, A.T., Gràcia, E., Dunhill, G., Enkin, R.J., Dallimore, A., and Vallier, T., 2012, Turbidite event history—Methods and implications for Holocene paleoseismicity of the Cascadia subduction zone: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1661–F, 170 p. (Available at https://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/pp1661f/). - Link
Event Characteristics
Preferred Magnitude 8.80 (8.80-9.10)
Epicenter 45.800°N, -124.800°E
Depth unknown
Tsunami no/unknown
Paleo-Event yes
Quality of Evidence D

Magnitude Range
Year Reference Magnitude
2014 Rong et al. (2014) 8.9 (8.8-9.1)
2012 Goldfinger et al. (2012) 8.8

This table lists some of the most relevant publications in estimating the moment magnitude of this earthquake. If you think there are other important or new publications, please get in contact.