
1000 (805-1220) | 10th Century Bengal Earthquake


Retrieved from traces in uplift terraces offshore Myanmar, Aung (2008) suggests a major earthquake in the Bay of Bengal similar to the event of 1762, which was estimated to be around M8.8 by Cummins (2007)

Events in the same region
Date Title Region Preferred Magnitude Quality*
1000s 10th Century Bengal Earthquake Myanmar 8.5 D
1762 Apr 02nd 1762 Arakan Earthquake Myanmar 8.5 C
  • Aung (2008) -Aung, T. T., Satake, K., Okamura, Y., Shishikura, M., Swe, W., Saw, H., ... & Aung, T. (2008). Geologic evidence for three great earthquakes in the past 3400 years off Myanmar. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2(04), 259-265. - Link
Event Characteristics
Preferred Magnitude 8.50 (8.80-8.80)
Epicenter 20.000°N, 93.500°E
Depth 25 km
Tsunami no/unknown
Paleo-Event yes
Quality of Evidence D

Magnitude Range
Year Reference Magnitude
2008 Aung (2008) 8.8

This table lists some of the most relevant publications in estimating the moment magnitude of this earthquake. If you think there are other important or new publications, please get in contact.