
12/13/1703 | 1703 Kanto Earthquake


Events in the same region
Date Title Region Preferred Magnitude Quality*
1703 Dec 13th 1703 Kanto Earthquake Sagami 8.2 C
  • Yanagisawa and Goto (2017) -Yanagisawa, H., & Goto, K. (2017). Source model of the 1703 Genroku Kanto earthquake tsunami based on historical documents and numerical simulations: modeling of an offshore fault along the Sagami Trough. Earth, Planets and Space, 69(1), 1-13. - Link
  • GHEA (GHEC v1.0) -Albini P., Musson R.M.W., Rovida A., Locati M., Gomez Capera A.A., and Viganò D. (2014). The Global Earthquake History. Earthquake Spectra, May 2014, Vol.30, No.2, pp. 607-624. http://doi.org/10.1193/122013EQS297 - Link
  • Grunewald and Stein (2006) -Grunewald E.D., Stein R.S., 2006. A new 1649-1884 catalog of destructive earthquakes near Tokyo and implications for the long-term seismic process. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B12306, 15 pp.. https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JB004059 - Link
  • Utsu (2002) -Utsu, T., 2002, A list of deadly earthquakes in the World: 1500-2000, in International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology Part A, edited by Lee, W.K., Kanamori, H., Jennings, P.C., and Kisslinger, C., pp. 691-717, Academic Press, San Diego. - Link
Event Characteristics
Preferred Magnitude 8.20 (8.00-8.50)
Epicenter 35.030°N, 139.660°E
Depth unknown
Tsunami yes
Paleo-Event no
Quality of Evidence C

Magnitude Range
Year Reference Magnitude
2017 Yanagisawa and Goto (2017) 8.3 (8.2-8.5)
2014 GHEA (GHEC v1.0) 8.2 (8-8.4)
2006 Grunewald and Stein (2006) 8.2 (8-8.4)
2002 Utsu (2002) 8.1

This table lists some of the most relevant publications in estimating the moment magnitude of this earthquake. If you think there are other important or new publications, please get in contact.