
10/29/1746 | 1746 Lima Callao Earthquake


The 1746 Lima-Callao earthquake has already been studied in detail in various publications. The magnite was initially estimated in a range between 8 and 9.2, but later publications narrowed it to around 8.8 - 9.0.
Recent studies like Jimenez et al. (2013) or Pulido et al. (2012) took out numerical simulations of the tsunami and provided potential rupture models.
Following the historic reports which were summarized by Jimenez et al. (2013), the earthquake was devastating with intensities of X - XI (MMI). Reports also note that the peninsula of Callao experienced up to 10m run-up and the tsunami waves arrived about 30min after the earthquake was felt. The maximum run-up was about 24m along the cliffs of Costa Verde. Waves reached up to 4km in land.
In addition, the were reports of permanent subsidence of Callao.

Events in the same region
Date Title Region Preferred Magnitude Quality*
1471 1471 Peru Earthquake Peru 8 C
1555 Nov 15th 1555 Lima Earthquake Peru 8.4 C
1582 Jan 22nd 1582 Peru Earthquake Peru 7.8 D
1584 Mar 17th 1584 Lima Earthquake Peru 8.4 C
1586 Jul 10th, 01:23 1586 Lima Earthquake Peru 8.6 C
1600 Feb 28th 1600 Peru Earthquake Peru 8.1 C
1609 Oct 20th, 01:53 1609 Peru Earthquake Peru 7.4 C
1619 Feb 14th, 17:23 1619 Peru Earthquake Peru 7.7 C
1687 Oct 20th, 11:23 1687 Peru Earthquake Peru 8.6 C
1746 Oct 29th, 04:23 1746 Lima Callao Earthquake Peru 9 B
1784 May 13th, 13:29 1784 Peru Earthquake Peru 8.4 C
  • GHEA (GHEC v1.0) -Albini P., Musson R.M.W., Rovida A., Locati M., Gomez Capera A.A., and Viganò D. (2014). The Global Earthquake History. Earthquake Spectra, May 2014, Vol.30, No.2, pp. 607-624. http://doi.org/10.1193/122013EQS297 - Link
  • Jimenez et al. (2013) -Jimenez, C., Moggiano, N., Mas, E., Adriano, B., Koshimura, S., Fujii, Y., & Yanagisawa, H. (2013). Seismic source of 1746 Callao Earthquake from tsunami numerical modeling. Journal of Disaster Research, 8(2), 266-273. - Link
  • Pulido et al. (2012) -Pulido, N., Tavera, H., Aguilar, Z., Calderón, D., Chlieh, M., Sekiguchi, T., ... & Yamazaki, F. (2012). Mega-earthquakes ruptures scenarios and strong motion simulations for Lima, Perú. In International Symposium CISMID, TS-6-2. Lima, Perú. - Link
  • Tavera et al. (2001) -Tavera H., Agüero C., Fernández E., Rodríguez S., 2001. Catálogo Sísmico del Perú 1471-1982, Versión Revisada y Actualizada. Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Centro Nacional de Datos Geofísicos - Link
  • Dorbath et al. (1990) -Dorbath L., Cisternas A., Dorbath C., 1990. Assessment of the size of large and great historical earthquakes in Peru. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 80, 3, 551-576 - Link
  • Ocola (1984) -L. Ocola, Proyecto de Sismicidad Andina SISAN, vol. 4 - Catalogos Sismicos: Republica del Peru, Instituto Geofisico del Ecuador, Geofisica Aplicada, Lima, Peru., p. 466, 1984. - Link
Event Characteristics
Preferred Magnitude 9.00 (8.60-9.20)
Epicenter -12.600°N, -77.400°E
Depth 30 km
Tsunami yes
Paleo-Event no
Quality of Evidence B

Magnitude Range
Year Reference Magnitude
2014 GHEA (GHEC v1.0) 8.8
2013 Jimenez et al. (2013) 9
2012 Pulido et al. (2012) 8.9 (8.8-8.9)
2001 Tavera et al. (2001) 8.8
1990 Dorbath et al. (1990) 8.6 (8.6-9.2)
1984 Ocola (1984) 9.2

This table lists some of the most relevant publications in estimating the moment magnitude of this earthquake. If you think there are other important or new publications, please get in contact.